Earning money while you learn is just one of the many benefits we offer our support workers:

Great job security, the money is good, and you can train at your own pace.
Plus, we are very proactive in supporting employees. We realise our main asset as an organisation is our staff and so providing high quality, well supported and happy staff is paramount. To help facilitate this we have several benefits related initiatives to look after, reward and recognise our team members.

Get an exciting new career/job in
3 easy steps:


Fill in the application form and send it to us

This is quick and easy to do and will provide us with relevant information about you.


One of our friendly team will be in contact with you

We will make contact to chat with you about the role, your goals, your skill base and competency and your personal characteristics. Don’t worry if you are new to support work, we provide full training and support


We will match you up with your new client

This involves looking at the best available opportunity to pair you with a client that matches your skill base, personality, and character

apply now for a new exciting career

Training and Benefits

The training consists of completing the Health and Wellbeing levels. Level two can take 12 weeks, level three and level four can be both completed in 22 weeks each. It really does depend on the pace you wish to complete it at. One of the great things about the training is that you can work as a fully paid Support Worker while you are training. Many other industries such as early childcare or teaching require you to train for 3 to 4 years before you can even start earning money.

Another major benefit is that the training our Support Worker’s embark on is FREE

Apply now for a new and exciting carrier that offers earning while learning and FREE training

Download application form

Application forms can be emailed to recruitment@tlc4u2.co.nz

Earn while you learn

Learn at your own pace

FREE training and qualifications

Great job security

Great hourly rate

Tender loving care for our incredible support workers

We really care about our employees and want to provide benefits that make being a part of tlc4u2 enjoyable and rewarding. We are currently developing a Wellness Program for tlc4u2 team members which will includes reduced costs for gym memberships, counselling services and budgeting services. We are also looking at offering group yoga classes and making a massage chair available for booking. The Wellness Programme will be an evolving initiative and we will be developing it in collaboration with our support workers.Another initiative we are working on is a points-based reward system. When support workers learn certain skill sets using our online training system, they will be given points that will accumulate as the support worker progresses. Support workers with points will go into a regular draw to win a mystery weekend away and other great rewards.

Happy well supported staff is paramount to us

Earn while you learn and make an incredible difference in someone’s life.


The pay is based on skill base and competency and ranges from $21.50 to $27 per hour, this is especially good when you factor in that you get to earn while you learn.

We have support workers that come to us from all sorts of backgrounds, teachers, nurses, retired people, students, laborers, social workers. No matter what your career path has been - If you are looking for a change becoming a tlc4u2 caregiver might just be your next fulfilling career move.    

Did you know?

  • When it comes to our kaitiaki/caregivers, we believe in tender loving care for you too
  • We have an incredibly low-staff turnover, reflecting the positive work environment and conditions we have worked hard to cultivate, and are passionate about continuing to maintain and improve
  • It is important to us that our staff know they are valued. We encourage innovation and initiative. We are committed to open and honest communication between support workers and supervisors, and treat all support workers with the same dignity and respect we expect them to treat our clients with
  • We invest in our staff and are dedicated to their wellbeing and success, which enables them to provide a professional level of investment and true dedication in their mahi/work
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Meet some of the support workers making a difference every day with tlc4u2
Ainslee Taylor

“I have been employed with tlc4u2 as a support worker for 4 years. In 2020 I gained my New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing Level 2. At present, I am proud to be studying for my Level 3 Certificate also in Health and Wellbeing.

Caring for and supporting clients in their own home requires understanding for their individual needs. As a support worker I like my clients to feel cared for and nurtured.

Outside of my job I am a mother of 4, with 5 grandchildren, 2 of which were born very prematurely at 27 weeks, yes twins -so I dedicate a lot of my time to helping and supporting my whānau.”

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